Wednesday, April 10, 2013

post meeting trauma ...

I think people deliberately convert themselves to become a workoholic since you can be an entirely different person. You have the luxury of your position to order someone else to do things, scold people, be a mentor, sit back and lazy around etc. Why go home to more challenges and trying to figure out things that you are not good at when you can sit in your chair and do what you;re good at and ignore the important thing that you need to work on.

you can ultimately hide your flaws.

I think i've had enough of superficial, rethroical stuff, hyprocisy and all that related shit at work. When its the norm you sort of go with the flow. You too become one, not because you believe in what you're doing but more  to survive and fit in. Afterall,  whatever you/they say or do is going to be forgotten and discarded anyway. Why need to be so serious.

The thing that iritates me most is when during MY fucking time, the same shit happens. The same old song is sang and we all dance to the same tune. Outside work, my time, is not your time, except for those important to me. So Hopefully it would not be wasted. At work, my time, does not matter. You can squeeze every ounce of juice from me. I'll play along.

It's weird how we work so hard to make our organization work, thought and argue about how to make it more efficient and yet we go home and completely do the opposite. I thought about this and I'd rather apply whatever management shit that they try to implement to my own life. Maybe not all can be implemented but some could actually work.

now back to work ..

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