Wednesday, May 03, 2006


well .... what a week ... arsenal .... for the first time ... has finally got themselves in the final of CL. ...

they'll be up against barca ... let's be optimistic .... shall we arsenal fans? ...

and how bout that plane crash at russia today ....? .. it was an a320 airbus ... no disrespect .. but ... foo fighters actually has a song about a plane crash .... and the song was titled a320 ....

i like that song ...

work is okay ... those shit you hear .. from your office mates about people and how fucked they are ... are starting to surface ...

machines can breakdown and be repaired .... and can be pushed to its full capabilities .. once the machine losses it's efficiency .... you can always replace with new ones .... people on the other hand .... are not ... you can try to exploit whatever potential that they have .. but sadly ... they don't care about potential ... they don't care about being efficient ...they simply don't care ....

and working with machines is easier as they are set up to follow instructions ... people however ... in this case ... are set up to question .. are set up to think...set up to act ... set up to react ...and respond to orders according on how they think is right ....that is human nature ... but questioning your superior's authority is just fucked especially when you don't have the credibality to question not even a high schooler...... i know a little bit bout how .. thinking can lead to some sort of revolution ... and those great thinker .... produces great stuff doubt... they thought of good things for mankind ... they are by far respected and is a good example on how to live life... BUT ... if you are some lazy stuck up bastard .... thinking can be bad ... the only revolution you can kickstart is some shit that will only benefit you ... so .. know your place in an organization .... anc accept that .... your brain functions only so far .... it's really hard to admit we are selfish and self absorbed ... but the truth is .. we are ...we only think about ourself ... and that .... is typical ....

never underestimate how stupid people are ... they are more stupid then they seem ...

we have to know their worth ... have to know where we belong ... have got to have principal ....have a stand in something we believe.... and we have to stick by it .... it's always easy to assume that someone with a responsibilty and a higher education automatically has strong principal and a stand for things he/she believes .... BUT .... believe me ... guys and gals ... they don't ... in fact i don't ....
we all don't ...

those who has at least.... are not among my network of people....

that's why i some-how admire ... anti-socials who actually do good in life ..... to me .. it's a sign of being indipendent .... is a sign of how the world doesn't affect them in getting what they want ...

maybe that's why being anti-social is cool these days ... it's like saying "hey world can't fuck me up .. i'm strong and indipendent" .... pretenders can admit ... but still manage to laugh at those people who has a hard time socializing let alone a relationship with an opposite sex ...

i'm no freud .... but ... i believe those who admit they are anti-social ... somehow do so as a cool way of justifying they are different from everybody else ... and they are something special and too good to mix with anyone else ... maybe you are better off reading a book and masturbate ....

it's a simple rockstar syndrom ... rockstars are too special to mingle with normal people and thus label themselves anti-social ... but they mingle with rockstars ... and laugh at insecure kids with low self-esteem and pimples that admire them ....

like most rockstars .... they crave attention .... just like everybody else who sits on top of a mountain with buddha drinking ice tea one is special ... no matter how unique you might think you are ...

and the main substance in a typical malay is not laziness's not tardiness's selfishness ....

being selfsih leads to a lot of other bad things that make up a what you call .. a typical malay ....
i'm not generalizing la ...of course not all malay ...those who are not .. are not typical la...

tardiness ... for example .... what you call janji melayu ... this is because you are and don't respect people's time lah ...and that .. is selfish ...

laziness don't do things because you are lazy are comfortable with the way things are ... another example of being selfish ...

you can look at every bad habits . and it all leads to being selfish...

well .. i'm a malay so that goes for me too ...

erm .. i'm out of juice .. bye ...

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