Tuesday, May 30, 2006

surveying for 3.5mm jacks

I wAS riding home after work sometime last week and i saw a smoke trail in the sky.

suddenly, i remembered how i would once gaze at the sky to watch and ponder about the trail of smoke in the sky. The slowly forming trail was a product of water vapourizing (can someone verify this?) I think that was it.

i have bad memory, but things like this keeps popping up and it made my day. for a short short time it was bliss.

maybe i was just happy to be heading home.

the world cup is just 10 days away, and ummm... can't wait for that.

I am interested in buying an mp3 playa. since nokia N91 costs around 3000 i would rather just tape an mp3 palyer to my 3315.

attention to details.

how bout my team eh? it was a good game of football. they play with their heart. passion and hard work goes a long long way.

jeering the malay team is so malay. of course we always favour for the underdog to win. we are always behind the underdog team. but that doesn't mean the malaysian team should be receiving that kind of treatment from the spectators.

indoensia was hit with another catastrophe. this time around an earth quake which robbed many of their home, lives were lost etc. tsunami, volcano, civil wars. terrorism? what's next.

we're lucky that eventho indon and malaysia is actually not that far away, malaysia is kept safe from these devastating forces of nature. luck. that's all.

akademi fantasia is on again and .... it is hopeless. these kids should find some better things to do. but if it does for you then go ahead and indulge.

when was the last time you saw the horizon? the flat line that separates the earth from the sky.

hurm .... stupid w810i with its dumbass serial bus head phone. god damned expensive piece of plastic with 3.5mm jack. nothing is packaged to my preferences.


Da Vinci Code is cool. the book is better i think. the book is always better. i always hate it when a bad guy shoots the hero and misses eventho the chances of hitting the hero is higher then the chances of missing. and how everything is always perfectly timed just doesn't do it for me.

i want people to die when they are shot at. immortal hero dodging bullets, superman and X-men.

the blood line of jesus christ. hmmm...the holy grail. whohohoh. i believe when it comes to faith there should be no question. i hear curiosity is good for a boy but they also say curiosity kills the cat. either way there's a boundry for these kinda things. we can question and maybe find an answer but then what?

hurting yourself is just stupid isn't it?

french guy is always gonna be cool. from godzilla to ronin to da vincci ... he is the coolest french guy ever. excluding thierry henry lah.

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