Friday, January 04, 2013

typical new year post


it's just numbers. Nothing changed. My goals didn't change. the world didn't end.

It's hard to see small changes. But looking back. yup, things did change. And they change because it was acted upon.

And these changes were not part of a resolution list set on 1st January 2012. They were just things that I thought should've been done anyway. Just that I was so caught up with all these distractions. Distractions that i and many couldn;t live without. And most of it were selfish self fullfilling things that takes and demand a lot.

for 2013,

I decided to pass the opportunity to suffer for 5 hrs + in this year's edition of the KL marathon. THe far I'll go is the half marathon. I'm sure missus is gonna do another 10k.

I'm gonna do pd tri and desaru tri. will probably bring along the whole #teamhafdzuan this time round.

nothing much, in fact i think i regressed, cutting down the distance.

it takes far too long to recover from a marathon and it disrupts other things.

work will not change much as the people/environment would probably NOT change.

so will probably focus on my own circle of influence.

maybe blog more during office hours.

a lot was achieved but they're just milestones to the ultimate goal. But it's good to have milestones to measure up against.

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